Gemstones - Their Meaning and Symbolism

Published Date: 25 May '23

Gemstones - Their Meaning and Symbolism

Many of us are intrigued by the fascinating topic of gemstones and their meanings and symbolism. We all know that gemstones are stunning to look at, but did you know that they can also hold special significance and even healing properties?

Let's start with the ever-popular amethyst. This beautiful purple stone is known for its calming properties and is often referred to as the "stone of tranquility". It's said to help ease anxiety and promote restful sleep, making it a perfect stone to keep by your bedside.

Next up is the fiery-red garnet. It's said to be a symbol of love and deep connection, and is often given as a gift to a beloved partner or close friend. Garnet is also believed to have strong protective properties, helping its wearer to feel safe and secure.

If you're looking for a stone to help boost your confidence, look no further than citrine. This stunning yellow stone is said to attract success and abundance, making it a popular choice among business owners and entrepreneurs.

Finally, we have the striking turquoise. This blue-green stone is a symbol of friendship and protection, and is said to help its wearer communicate more effectively. It's also believed to have powerful healing properties, making it a great choice for those seeking physical or emotional healing.

Of course, this is just a small selection of the many gemstones out there and their meanings. Whether you choose to wear them for their aesthetic appeal or their deeper symbolism, there's no denying the magic and intrigue of these beautiful stones.

For more insights into gem symbolism, come into the Adelaide Street store and hit us up for more details. We love a chat!