Symbolism in Jewellery

Published Date: 17 Mar

Symbolism in Jewellery

Jewellery isn't just about adding a bit of bling, it can also be a language of symbols that speaks volumes about culture, beliefs, and personal connections. Every piece holds a story or a hidden meaning waiting to be discovered. Why don’t we take a look into some common jewellery symbolism?



The universal symbol of love, the heart is timeless. Whether a pendant, ring, or bracelet, a heart-shaped piece signifies affection, passion, and most importantly love. It's a timeless expression of love in all its forms - romantic, familial, or platonic.


Infinity Symbol

Representing eternity, the infinity symbol has gained popularity in jewellery design. It can symbolise everlasting love, friendship, and the infinite cycles of life. This symbol can hold a number of different meanings, it just matters what you put into it!


Tree of Life

Rooted in ancient mythology and spirituality, the Tree of Life symbolizes growth, strength, and interconnectedness. Often pictured with branches reaching skyward and roots grounding into the earth, it symbolises the balance between heaven and earth. Tree of Life jewellery serves as a talisman for personal growth, resilience, and harmony.


Hamsa Hand

Crafted with fingers spread open, the Hamsa Hand is a powerful symbol of protection and blessings in various cultures, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. It is believed to ward off evil spirits, bring good fortune, and bring blessings to the wearer. Hamsa Hand jewellery serves as a guardian charm, offering comfort and protection in times of need.


Moon and Stars

Celestial jewellery pieces are a beautiful piece of symbolism, representing guidance, dreams, and the ethereal charm of our night sky. If you want some extra symbolism in your night sky pieces, what about a constellation piece? Having a jewellery piece with your favourite or meaningful constellation is not only a way to keep it close, but also to serve as a reminder of its guidance for you.