The history of Mizpah

Published Date: 4 May '23

The history of Mizpah

Each piece of jewellery means different things to different people. But there are special types of jewellery that hold meaningful messages steeped in history. Today we are going to explore one of those fascinating pieces that you may have come across in your search for the perfect accessory: the Mizpah.

So, what is a Mizpah, you ask? Well, in simple terms, it is a type of jewellery that typically consists of two halves of a heart or other symbol, each worn by two people as a symbol of their bond and connection.

The history of Mizpah jewellery dates back to the Victorian era, which spanned from 1837 to 1901. During this time, sentimental jewellery became popular as a way to express one's emotions and feelings towards loved ones.

The term "Mizpah" is derived from a Hebrew word "Mizpah" that means "watchtower." The word first appears in the Bible in the book of Genesis, where Jacob and Laban set up a stone as a witness to their covenant, which they called "Mizpah."

In Victorian times, Mizpah jewellery was often given as a token of love or friendship between two people who were separated, such as lovers or friends who were moving away from each other. The Mizpah jewellery would be a pair of matching items, such as a brooch, a locket, or a ring, which were broken in half, with each person keeping one half as a reminder of the other.

The pieces of Mizpah jewellery were often inscribed with the words "Mizpah" or the phrase "The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another," which comes from the Bible verse in Genesis. This phrase was a symbol of the bond between two people and their faith that they would be reunited again one day.

Mizpah jewellery was also sometimes given as a gift to mark an engagement or a marriage, with the broken halves of the jewellery symbolizing the union of two people into one.

Fast forward to modern times, and the Mizpah has become a fashionable way for couples, friends, or family members to stay connected and feel a sense of closeness, even when they are not together. The two halves of the Mizpah can be in the form of a heart, a key and lock, or even a puzzle piece that fit together perfectly. It continues to be a meaningful way for people to express their love and connection with each other.

While the traditional Victorian style is still available, modern designs have also emerged, with a wider range of materials and styles to choose from. Mizpahs can be made of a variety of materials, from precious metals like gold and silver to more affordable options like stainless steel or even silicone. They can be simple and understated or adorned with gemstones and other decorative elements.

But no matter what the Mizpah looks like, its significance lies in the bond between the two people who wear it. It is a symbol of trust, loyalty, and the promise to always be there for each other, no matter what life throws their way.

So, if you are looking for a meaningful and unique piece of jewellery to share with someone special in your life, consider a Mizpah. It is a beautiful way to celebrate your connection and the love and support that you share.