The Superstitions Surrounding Jewellery.

Published Date: 6 Jun '23

The Superstitions Surrounding Jewellery.

Let's dive into the fascinating world of superstitions surrounding jewellery. From ancient beliefs to modern-day customs, these superstitions have been passed down through generations, adding an extra layer of mystery and intrigue to our beloved adornments. So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let's explore some of the intriguing beliefs from around the world!

1. The "Evil Eye" Protection:

The concept of the "evil eye" is prevalent in many cultures, and wearing jewellery with protective symbols or talismans is believed to ward off negative energy and ill fortune. In Greece, for example, the Mati or "evil eye" charm is a popular accessory to protect against envy and malicious intent.

2. Ring Superstitions:

Rings, especially engagement and wedding rings, have their fair share of superstitions. In some cultures, it is believed that wearing a ring on the fourth finger of the left hand connects directly to the heart. Additionally, dropping a ring during the wedding ceremony is seen as an ill omen, symbolizing a future filled with disagreements.

3. Gemstone Beliefs:

Gemstones have long been associated with various powers and qualities. For instance, the fiery red Ruby is believed to bring passion and prosperity, while the calming Aquamarine is said to protect sailors and ensure a safe journey. People often wear gemstones not only for their beauty but also for the positive energies they are believed to possess.

4. Superstitions about Pearls:

Ah, the lustrous beauty of pearls! These exquisite gems have their own set of superstitions. It is said that pearls bring tears if worn on a wedding day, signifying a life filled with sorrow. However, this belief has evolved over time, and many now consider pearls to symbolize purity, elegance, and timeless beauty.

5. Superstitions around Broken Jewellery:

Breaking a piece of jewellery can make even the most composed person a little anxious. Some believe that a broken necklace or bracelet is a sign of an impending separation or severed relationship. However, fear not! Many see a broken piece as an opportunity for renewal and the start of a new chapter.

Remember, these superstitions are based on cultural beliefs and personal interpretations, and their significance varies across different communities. While some may dismiss them as mere folklore, they add a touch of mystique and enchantment to the world of jewellery.

So, whether you're a believer or not, let's appreciate the beauty of jewellery and the stories and legends that have woven themselves into its rich tapestry. Wear your favourite pieces with pride, knowing that they carry not only exquisite craftsmanship but also the whispers of age-old traditions.

Do you have any jewellery superstitions or beliefs that you hold dear? Share them with us in the in-store! Until next time, keep shining and may your jewellery bring you joy, luck, and all the positive vibes!